Hochul Healthcare- more taxes, fewer jobs

Good morning –

Western New Yorkers continue to learn more and more disturbing information about the healthcare law that liberal Kathy Hochul supports. The latest?

  • 6 million Americans are set to face a $1,200 tax penalty under the Hochul-supported new healthcare law – Twice as high as originally expected!
  • And as the AP reported, the vast majority of these new taxes will be felt by those “making up to or less than five times the federal poverty level.”

So much for not raising taxes on middle class Americans. If that’s not bad enough, New York jobs are being threatened and could be sent overseas from a new medical device tax in Hochul’s healthcare law:

  • The new 2.3% tax on medical devices could destroy as many as 47,100 American jobs
  • USA Today reported just yesterday that “the tax will force money away from research, send jobs overseas and stop them from expanding in the U.S.”
  • Over 91% of medical device companies are small or medium-sized businesses.

New wallet-crushing taxes, thousands of lost American jobs to foreign countries – hardly the sort of policies New York families are asking for during these tough economic times.