Facts on Foust: Obamacare Booster


John Foust: Obamacare Booster

Foust Champions Obamacare as “Clearly A Good Thing”. . .

 Despite Obamacare’s Broken Promises with Canceled Plans, High Costs and Limited Doctors, Foust Praises the Disastrous Law:

  • “The Democrat was encouraged by one supporter ‘not to run away from’ the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. ‘[The Affordable Care Act] clearly is a good thing,’ Foust said.”  (Trevor Baratko, “Democratic Congressional Candidate, Foust, Lands In Loudoun,” Loudoun Times-Mirror, 4/8/14)
  • 250,000 Virginians may lose plans because of Obamacare requirements: “Five simple words, ‘you can keep your plan,’ are coming back to haunt President Obama, as Virginia plans that do not meet Obamacare standards will be canceled within months. (Mike Valerio, “250K Virginians may lose plans because of Obamacare requirements,” WWBT-TV NBC 12, 09/11/14)


. . . Except When It Involves His Household Pocketbook

  Foust Supports Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion, Despite The Fact That His Wife’s Medical Practice In DC Doesn’t Accept Medicaid

  • “The OB/GYN practice of Marilyn Jerome, the wife of Democratic congressional candidate John Foust, does not accept Medicaid…” (Elizabeth Harrington, “Democratic House Candidate’s Wife’s OBGYN Practice Doesn’t Accept Medicaid,” Washington Free Beacon, 7/7/14)
  • Foust has attacked his opponent, Barbara Comstock, for her opposition to the Medicaid expansion: “Following today’s action on the budget by Governor McAuliffe and Barbara Comstock’s opposition to the Medicaid expansion, John Foust issued the following statement: . . . ‘Comstock’s decision to once again go along with extremists in Richmond has real consequences for us: increasing healthcare costs for everyone, costing our state more money, and jeopardizing support for important priorities that we care about like education.’” (John Foust For Congress, “Barbara Comstock’s Opposition To Medicaid Expansion Makes No Fiscal Sense,” Press Release, 6/20/14)


The Bottom Line:

John Foust’s Obamacare hypocrisy shows how tone-deaf he is about the health care law that’s hurting Virginia families and businesses with lost plans and higher costs. Given John Foust’s firm allegiance to tax-and-spend policies, it’s no wonder Democrats want him in Congress to champion Obamacare.