Drip, Drip, Drip…Quist lies, lies, and lies

Will Quist EVER be honest?

Another day, another reason to distrust Rob Quist. As his shady financial history continues to be exposed, Quist isn’t doing himself any favors by lying time and time again. The Billings Gazette’s latest report raises even more questions about the Quists’ financial practices, and reveals that Quist flat out lied when asked about their family’s taxable income.

SHOT:  Quist acknowledged the apartments Tuesday in an interview with The Gazette, but denied renting out the units. Advertising records and leasing contracts suggest otherwise…My son’s living there, so that’s not a rental property. It’s just something that’s kind of family-owned,” Quist said. (Tom Lutey, “Quist has ties to rental property not listed on state tax rolls,”  The Billings Gazette, 5/9/17).

CHASER: State property tax records don’t indicate those changes, taxing it instead as a barn with no living quarters. The Flathead County Assessor’s office also lists the structure as a barn. The distinction matters because the Department of Revenue generally recognizes apartment units as more valuable than barns. The tax amount owed on rental property is typically higher. (Tom Lutey, “Quist has ties to rental property not listed on state tax rolls,”  The Billings Gazette, 5/9/17)

Quist is quick to talk about doing things “the Montana way,” but his actions prove otherwise. Lying about a shady rental property, which by law should be valued more by tax collectors, gives voters another reason to reject Lyin’ Rob Quist.