Congressional Leadership Fund Releases First Ad of 575k Campaign in NC-07

Over $575,000 Television and Digital Advertising Campaign Against Mike McIntyre

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) released today the first ad of a $575,000 television and digital ad campaign in North Carolina’s 7th congressional district. The ad, “Folks,” highlights Mike McIntyre’s troubling record of supporting Nancy Pelosi and wasteful spending. “Folks” will air on broadcast television in the Raleigh media market, and will be accompanied by a paid digital advocacy campaign. This is part of CLF’s recently announced October ad campaign.

“Washington changed Mike McIntyre,” said CLF Spokeswoman Brook Hougesen. “After voting for trillions in wasteful spending and Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, it’s time to bring him home.”

Watch “Folks” here or by clicking the image. Read the script below.



McIntyre: “…those folks up in Washington are more interested in their own personal agendas.”
Announcer: But after fifteen years, Mike McIntyre has become one of those folks up in Washington.
McIntyre voted to elect Nancy Pelosi Speaker, and voted the Pelosi line up to 90% of the time.
McIntyre voted for stimulus that created jobs in China. And McIntyreʼs been so busy following Pelosi, he’s never passed one of his own bills into law.
Mike McIntyre. Just another one of those folks up in Washington.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.