CLF Executive Director Corry Bliss Congratulates Ron Estes on Special Election Win in KS-04

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) Executive Director Corry Bliss issued the following statement on the special election results in Kansas’ Fourth Congressional District:

“Congratulations to Congressman-elect Ron Estes on his win in the special election in Kansas’ Fourth Congressional District,” said Corry Bliss, CLF Executive Director. “The Congressional Leadership Fund was happy to play a small part in this victory. Republicans are now 1-0 this cycle, and we will continue to work to protect and grow the Republican majority in 2018.”

The Congressional Leadership Fund lent support in the Kansas special congressional election race through GOTV efforts:

–          GOTV Live Call Campaign
–          Over 100,000 live calls made to voters in Kansas-04
–          Hyper-targeted to conservative voters

