Congressional Leadership Fund Announces Ad Campaign in TX-23 Against Pete Gallego

Congressional Leadership Fund Announces Ad Campaign in TX-23 Against Pete Gallego

$330,000 Television and Digital Advertising Campaign

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund announced today a $330,00 television and digital ad campaign in Texas’ 23rd congressional district. The ad, “Look,” highlights Pete Gallego’s disturbing record of supporting the job-killing healthcare law and votes to increase taxes and fees, including on small businesses. “Look” will run on broadcast television in San Antonio, and will be accompanied by a $30,000 paid digital advocacy campaign.

“While beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, once voters take a look at Pete Gallego’s record, they sure aren’t going to like what they see,” said CLF Spokesman Zach Hunter.

Watch the ad here or by clicking the image. Read the script below.



What’s Pete Gallego hiding?

Let’s take a look.

Gallego supports Obama’s job killing health care law that cuts Medicare 716 Billion.

Gallego voted to increase taxes on small businesses – risking 28,000 jobs.

And in the state legislature, Gallego supported new sales taxes and voted for higher taxes and fees.

Pete Gallego.

Shine a light on his record.

And things don’t look so good.

Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.