CLF’s New TX-12 Ad Slams Chris Putnam For Raising Taxes, Never Trump Support

The Congressional Leadership Fund released its latest television ad in Texas’ 12th Congressional District this morning. The new ad highlights President Trump’s resounding endorsement of Congresswoman Kay Granger while exposing Chris Putnam for raising property taxes, being a leader of a company that sent jobs overseas, and being supported by the Never Trump outside groups that are bankrolling his campaign.
The ad is backed by roughly $850,000 and will run on broadcast television in the Dallas-Fort Worth DMA, with similar versions on digital and radio.
“The more Texans uncover about Chris Putnam, the more alarming his record becomes. Between Putnam voting with liberals to raise your property taxes, sending American jobs overseas, and now running for Congress with the support of the same Never Trump groups that spent millions attacking President Trump, it’s clear Texans just can’t trust Chris Putnam to put them first,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “There’s just one candidate in this race supported by President Trump and it’s Congresswoman Kay Granger.”
The same people behind the attack ads on Kay Granger spent millions attacking President Trump.
They lost, America won.
Now they’re throwing big money behind Chris Putnam
Putnam’s best known for raising property taxes
And as a leader of a company that outsourced good paying jobs to Asia instead of hiring Texans.
It’s Trump against them again.
And he’s backing Kay Granger.
Whose side are you on?
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.