CLF Statement on the Passing of Sheldon Adelson

Congressional Leadership Fund Chairman Norm Coleman released the following statement on the passing of Sheldon Adelson:
“America lost a giant. Sheldon Adelson was a visionary in every arena – from politics, philanthropy and enterprise – living a life that proved what’s possible in our country in the American Dream. He leaves this world having made it a far better place,” said CLF Chairman Norm Coleman. “The son of immigrants, Sheldon rose from a humble paperboy and son of a Boston cab driver to one of the most successful self-made businessmen in America – and one of the most selfless philanthropists of our day. He was the most generous person I’ve ever come to know and he used his success to make a profound difference for our country, for his employees, and for millions more through his many charitable endeavors in America and in Israel. I was lucky to call him a friend. Sheldon’s impact will continue to live on long after his passing. My heart goes out to Miriam, the Adelson family and all who mourn his loss today.”