CLF Statement on Impeachment

Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, released the following statement after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the Democrats will begin an impeachment inquiry against President Trump:
“Nancy Pelosi caving to the radical left’s demands for impeachment is the latest sign that the Democratic Party has been totally co-opted by far-left extremists and their unshakable fixation with removing President Trump from office against the will of the American people,” said CLF President Dan Conston. “Rather than moving forward with any meaningful legislation to help resolve the many issues our nation faces, Pelosi and the Democrats are intent on doing everything they can to subvert the results of the 2016 election. Democrats feeling euphoric in the moment, will awaken to a nightmarish hangover when they’re forced to defend their decision to their constituents back home. With the House Majority running through many districts President Trump won handily, this move will have dire consequences for their chances of retaining a Majority in 2020.”