CLF Releases T.V. And Radio Ads In NY-22 Slamming Brindisi For Lying To New Yorkers

New ads slam Anthony Brindisi for lying to New York families about his support for Nancy Pelosi and disgraced Sheldon Silver

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released a television ad, “Big Lie,” and a radio ad, “Seven Years,” in New York’s 22nd Congressional District.

The television ad slams Anthony Brindisi for accepting thousands of dollars of campaign cash from Nancy Pelosi while telling New York families he won’t support Pelosi for speaker. The radio ad details Brindisi’s support for disgraced former Democratic Speaker Sheldon Silver, voting for Silver’s liberal agenda over ninety percent of the time. The ads will run in the Binghamton and Utica media markets.

“Anthony Brindisi encompasses everything that is wrong with Democrats in Albany,” said Michael Byerly, CLF spokesman. “He told New Yorkers that he wouldn’t support Pelosi for speaker, but gladly accepts thousands of dollars of Pelosi’s campaign cash. He also faithfully supported disgraced former Speaker Sheldon Silver’s liberal agenda, including supporting Silver for speaker after he was exposed for covering up a sexual harassment scandal. New York families deserve better than liberal politician Anthony Brindisi.”

This is CLF’s first television and radio spot in New York’s 22nd Congressional District. In addition to a television and radio campaign, CLF opened a field office in New York’s 22nd Congressional District in July 2017. Each CLF field office is supported by a full-time staffer and hundreds of interns and volunteers who engage with voters on a daily basis through hyper-targeted phone banking and door-to-door canvassing.

Watch the ad, “Big Lie,” here.


VO: Politician Anthony Brindisi is already lying about his liberal agenda.

ANTHONY BRINDISI: I won’t support Nancy Pelosi.

VO: That’s Brindisi’s big lie.

Brindisi has already taken fourteen grand of campaign cash from Pelosi.

Pelosi is bankrolling Brindisi’s dishonest campaign because he’ll rubber stamp her liberal agenda.

Higher taxes on middle-class families.

Trillions wasted on liberal handouts.

Brindisi will vote with Pelosi for all of it.

Listen to the radio ad, “Seven Years,” here.


VO: Seven years for Sheldon Silver.

The former Democratic Speaker was just sentenced to seven years in prison.

Millions of dollars of kickbacks.

Years of corruption and greed.

Sheldon Silver is the poster boy for what’s wrong in Albany.

Politician Anthony Brindisi was a Silver enabler.

In Albany, Brindisi rubber stamped Silver’s liberal agenda over ninety percent of the time.

Selling out upstate taxpayers to reward Sheldon Silver and his liberal cronies in the city.

And Brindisi voted to elect Silver speaker, even after Silver was exposed for arranging hush money payments to cover up a sexual harassment scandal.

Sheldon Silver’s corruption was staggering…

…and Anthony Brindisi was his go-to guy in Albany.

Brindisi enabled Silver…

…and New York taxpayers got ripped off.