CLF Releases New Ads in RI-02, OR-05, CT-05 and MI-03

WASHINGTON — Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, released new ads in four House races today. In RI-02, our ad highlights how Magaziner would help elite families like his, while sticking working families with a new tax hike. In OR-05, our ad highlights McLeod-Skinner’s attacks on law enforcement. In CT-05, our ad highlights skyrocketing prices, while in MI-03, the spot highlights how John Gibbs will be a problem-solver that voters can count on.
“Families are watching in fear as Democrats push an agenda of higher taxes, higher prices, and higher crime,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Families deserve Representatives they can count on to stand up to the Biden-Pelosi agenda, and help turn the country around.”
RI-02: “Privilege”
OR-05: “Occupying”
CT-05: “Left Behind”
MI-03: “American Dream”