CLF Releases New Ads in Four Congressional Districts

Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new television ads in MN-07, NY-22, TX-22, and CO-03. The new ads blast Democrats on a range of issues from amnesty for illegal immigrants, slashing funding for police, and billing taxpayers for an exorbitant amount of “auto miles” to pay for trips on their private plane.
These ads will run on broadcast, cable, radio and digital platforms and can be viewed below.
“When Collin Peterson isn’t hiding his taxpayer-funded private plane rides from his constituents, he’s busy supporting Nancy Pelosi and her radical agenda,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “These extremist liberals want nothing more than to destroy middle-class families’ economic security, which makes it imperative we reject them on election day.”
MN-07 – “Defeat Collin Peterson”
MN-07 – “Auto”
NY-22 – “Total Disaster”
TX-22 – “Lone Star Leader”
CO-03 – “Absolutely”