CLF Releases New Ads in Five Congressional Districts

Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new television ads in VA-07, SC-01, NV-03, AR-02 and IN-05. The new ads blast Democrats on a range of issues from corruption scandals to tax hikes, cuts to local law enforcement, and blind opposition to Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett.
The new ads will run on broadcast, cable, radio and digital platforms and can be viewed below.
“Instead of thinking about what is best for their constituents, Democrats are only concerned with enriching themselves and pushing their radical liberal agenda,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Middle class families need leaders who aren’t afraid to fight for them, not politicians who want to hike takes in a recession or cuts to local law enforcement funding during a crime wave.”
VA-07 – “Votes”
SC-01 – “Court”
NV-03 – “On It”
IN-05 – “Radical Agenda”
AR-02 – “Never Stop”