CLF Releases New Ads in 8 House Races

WASHINGTON — Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, released a new flight of ads across eight Congressional Districts today. The new ads spotlight Democrats’ self-dealing, reckless spending and dangerous records on public safety.
“With the economy in free fall and crime going through the roof, Democrats’ single party rule of Washington has been a total disaster,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Families deserve new leadership in Washington that will fire Nancy Pelosi and turn the country around.”
RI-02: “Fit Right In” – New Ad Buy
NH-01: “Pockets”
MN-02: “The Partisan”
CT-05: “All The Little Things”
PA-08: “At Your Expense”
CA-13: “Sacramento Way”
CA-22: “Gas Station”
OR-05: “Righteous”