CLF Releases New Ads in 12 Congressional Districts

Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new ads in 12 Congressional Districts today. The new ads spotlight Democratic congressional candidates’ alarming records on tax hikes, slashing funding for local law enforcement, shuttering rural hospitals and eliminating job-creating industries that support their constituents.
CLF’s new ads can be viewed below and will run on a mix of broadcast and cable television, radio, and digital platforms.
“Less money in your pocket, fewer jobs, crime-ridden neighborhoods, and less access to rural health care is the Democrats’ policy roadmap if they have their way,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Voters just cannot trust Democrats with keeping their families, jobs, and way of life safe, and it’s why they will reject them this November.”
IA-01 – “Our Towns”
NY-22 – “Made it Clear”
OK-05 – “Time After Time”
CA-21 – “Always”
UT-04 – “Learned”
NY-24 – “Bartlett”
IA-02 – “Crowd”
NJ-02 – “Smartphone”
NE-02 – “Nightmare”
PA-10 – “Values”
MT-AL – “Roots”
MN-01 – “Can’t Afford It”