CLF Releases First Ad in NC-13, New Ads in RI-02 and IA-02

WASHINGTON — Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC aligned with Leader Kevin McCarthy and all of House Republican Leadership, released its first ad in NC-13, which spotlights Wiley Nickel’s past defending criminals. CLF also released new ads in RI-02 and IA-03. In Rhode Island, the new ad showcases how Seth Magaziner would use Congress to help elites like himself while sticking massive tax hikes on working families, while in Iowa, the new ad highlights Liz Mathis’ love of Nancy Pelosi.
“From taking the side of criminals to bailing out elites on the backs of working families, Democrats in Congress have the wrong priorities,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Voters are fed up with Washington’s failing agenda and look forward to electing new leadership in November.”
NC-13: “The List”
RI-02: “Toast”
IA-02: “Love”