CLF Releases Ads in Six Congressional Districts

Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new television ads in FL-26, OK-05, NY-11, VA-05, MO-02, and OH-01, which expose Democrats’ concerning records on tax hikes and corruption, slashing funding for local law enforcement and destroying job creating industries back home.
These ads will run on broadcast, cable, radio and digital platforms and can be viewed below.
“Less money in your paycheck to feed your families, fewer police on the streets, and disappearing good-paying jobs are the devastating consequences of Democrats in Congress,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Congress is the last place we need more of the Democrats’ dangerous ideas.”
FL-26 – “The Choice”
OK-05 – “Agenda”
NY-11 – “Puppet Strings”
VA-05 – “Dismantle”
MO-02 – “Remember”
OH-01 – “Groceries”