CLF Releases 14 Ads in 13 Congressional Districts

Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched 14 new television ads in 13 Congressional Districts today. The new ads go after Democratic congressional candidates on a number of issues, from dodging taxes and shady business connections to supporting Nancy Pelosi’s far-left agenda and Joe Biden’s plan to raise taxes by $4 trillion.
The new ads will run on a mix of broadcast, cable, and digital platforms and can be viewed below.
“Rather than working across the aisle or making real efforts to help their constituents, Washington Democrats have spent every moment pushing further and further to the radical left,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Defunding the police, raising taxes and dangerous schemes to put government in charge of our health care show exactly how Democrats couldn’t be more out of touch with middle class families.”
TX-07 – “Big Promise”
NM-02 – “Biden”
MI-11 – “Out There”
FL-26 – “Warlord”
SC-01 – “Sell It”
TX-24 – “Dangerous”
IA-01 – “Personal”
IA-02 – “Heart”
NY-22 – “Willing to Reach”
IA-03 – “Knee-Deep”
UT-04 – “Rise Above”
UT-04 – “Follow The Leader”
CA-21 – “The Game”
OK-05 – “Tradition”