CLF Launches TV Ad Supporting Morgan Luttrell

Washington — Congressional Leadership Fund released a new television ad today supporting Morgan Luttrell in the TX-08 primary. The spot will run across cable and broadcast television, highlighting Morgan Luttrell’s life of service as a decorated Navy SEAL and Trump appointee who will fight to protect Texas values.
“From the streets of Baghdad to the halls of Congress, no matter where the battlefield takes him, Morgan Luttrell will never stop fighting to defend our way of life,” said CLF President Dan Conston. “Morgan Luttrell is an American hero and exactly the warrior we need in Washington to stop Joe Biden’s reckless policies from destroying our country.”
Navy Seal trained for war
Fought bravely in two of them
9 combat deployments
Make that 10 after we send Morgan Luttrell to Congress
Luttrell will fight the Biden Pelosi agenda and defend our Texas way of life
Finish the wall
No excuses
Back the blue
Crush the woke mob
Protect Texas energy like he did serving in Trump’s energy department
Conservative Morgan Luttrell for Texas