CLF Launches “Spiral” Ad Against Jim Mowrer

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released its second ad, “Spiral,” against extreme liberal Jim Mowrer in Iowa’s 3rd congressional district race. The ad exposes Jim Mowrer’s support for failed, job-killing policies – from Obamacare to EPA regulations to the Death Tax – which have strangled Iowa families and small businesses.
“Jim Mowrer claims he’ll fight for Iowa’s middle class, but the truth is he supports policies that drain pocketbooks,” said Ruth Guerra, CLF spokeswoman. “Whether it’s his support for the death tax or job-killing regulations, Jim Mowrer’s empty promises are a risk Iowans cannot afford.”
The ad will air on Des Moines and Omaha cable and broadcast beginning Tuesday, October 25, as part of CLF’s $1.5 million independent expenditure campaign in IA-03. In addition to the TV ad, a 15-second version will run on digital platforms. CLF and its sister organization American Action Network’s total announced general election spending to date is over $40 million in 32 districts nationwide.
AANCR: Jim Mowrer’s agenda will hurt the economy and kill jobs.
Mowrer supported Obamacare – that killed hundreds of jobs in Iowa.
What’s worse? Mowrer supports oppressive EPA regulations that will increase electric bills for families, farmers and small businesses.
Jim Mowrer even supports the Death Tax – punishing struggling small businesses and farmers.
Jim Mower. Job-killing regulations. Higher taxes.
Iowa can’t afford Jim Mowrer.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.