CLF Launches “Our Problem” Ad Against Morgan Carroll

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released the ad, “Our Problem,” against extreme liberal politician Morgan Carroll in Colorado’s 6th congressional district race. The ad highlights Carroll’s penchant for tax hikes and spending sprees that have hurt Coloradans.
“Whether it’s a sales tax, gas tax, or property tax, Morgan Carroll has supported them all,” said Ruth Guerra, CLF spokeswoman. “The last thing Coloradans need is another tax-and-spend politician roaming the halls of Congress ready to exacerbate Washington’s spending problem.”
The ad will air on Denver broadcast and cable beginning Tuesday, October 25, through Election Day as part of CLF’s $1.3 million independent expenditure campaign in CO-06. In addition to the TV ad, a 15-second version will run on digital platforms. CLF and its sister organization American Action Network’s total announced general election spending to date is over $40 million in 32 districts nationwide.
ANNCR: Politician Morgan Carroll has a spending obsession,
And she keeps taxing you to pay for it.
Carroll supported higher income and property taxes, hurting Coloradans at home.
Higher sales taxes, hurting you at the store.
Higher gas taxes, that’d hurt you on the road.
Carroll even voted for nine different tax hikes in one day.
Tax-and-spend politician Morgan Carroll. Her obsession is our problem.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.