CLF Launches NY-19 Campaign with “Meet Zephyr Teachout” Ad

The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released the ad “Meet Zephyr Teachout” against the Democratic candidate in New York’s 19thCongressional District race. The TV ad reveals the real Zephyr Teachout, a politician from New York City who supports raising taxes on others while underpaying her taxes by thousands of dollars.

“As if Teachout’s New York City ideas weren’t bad enough, her actions are even worse. Not only did Teachout support eliminating the property-tax cap that saves taxpayers billions of dollars, but she underpaid her own taxes by thousands of dollars,” Ruth Guerra, spokeswoman for CLF. “The truth is Hudson Valley families don’t need a New York City hypocrite like Zephyr Teachout in Congress to hike their taxes while failing to fully pay her own.”

The ad will begin airing Tuesday, September 13, on New York City cable and online as part of CLF’s $1.6 million independent expenditure campaign in NY-19.  In August, CLF announced initial spending of $300,000 in NY-19 dedicated to door-to-door GOTV activities; this week an additional $1.3 million is slated for September and October NYC cable TV advertising, digital advertising and mail.

View the :30 TV Spot here
:30 Script:

Meet Zephyr Teachout.

She’s new around here, but already running for Congress.

Like most politicians from New York City… Teachout’s ideas aren’t for us.

She pushed to eliminate the cap on property taxes…

Which would send our taxes through the roof.

But back home in New York City, Teachout underpaid her own taxes by thousands.

Zephyr Teachout. Just another New York City politician who pushed to raise our property taxes.

Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.