CLF Launches New Ads in WI-03, VA-02, SC-01, UT-04, VA-05 & OH-01

Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new television ads today in WI-03, VA-02, SC-01, UT-04, VA-05 and OH-01. The ads hammer Democrats on a range of issues from pay to play deals, to putting China’s interests before America, slashing funding for law enforcement, and pushing higher taxes on working families.
CLF’s new ads can be viewed below and will run on a mix of broadcast and cable television as well as digital platforms.
“Congressional Democrats simply do not have middle class families’ best interests at heart,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “At a time when our leaders in Washington need to stand tall for working families, we find Democrats taking care of themselves first with corrupt pay-to-play schemes, sweetheart deals for China and absurd plans to take even more from workers’ hard-earned paychecks.”
WI-03 – “Busy”
VA-02 – “Trust Pt 2”
SC-01 – “Glow”
UT-04 – “Weak”
VA-05 –“He Means It”
OH-01 – “Totally”