CLF Launches New Ads in NE-02, MI-10, OR-05, VA-02, & IA-01

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund launched new television ads in five battleground congressional districts: NE-02, MI-10, OR-05, VA-02, and IA-01. The ads expose the Democrats’ toxic and dangerous policies to raise taxes, decriminalize drugs, and defund the police, while in other cases, highlighting the past defense of a pedophile and the willful cover-up of sexual harassment and assault.

“Democrats continue to break the trust of voters, and that betrayal won’t go unanswered at the ballot box,” said CLF spokeswoman Courtney Parella.

NE-02: “Respect”

OR-05: “Pattern”

MI-10: “Bleep No”

VA-02: “Believe”

IA-01: “Very Active”

This spending comes as part of CLF’s previously announced reservations hereherehere & here.