CLF Launches New Ads in 6 House Races, First in OR-04

WASHINGTON — Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new ads in 6 Congressional Districts, including the first in Oregon’s 4th Congressional District. The ads expose Democrats for supporting a reckless agenda that’s put community safety at risk and sent the cost of living through the roof.
“Democrats say one thing, but their records show the truth about their devastating agendas,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Americans are seeing first-hand how Democrats’ extreme policies have made neighborhoods unsafe, and life unaffordable.”
OR-04: “Poor Val”
NY-19: “Crisis”
NY-22: “Thrilled”
IA-03: “Even Worse”
MI-03: “Burned”
PA-08: “Stimulus Checks for Criminals”