CLF Launches New Ads in 6 House Races

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund, the super PAC aligned with Kevin McCarthy and all of House Republican leadership, launched new ads in six Congressional Districts today. In NY-17 and OH-01 the ads target DCCC Chairman Sean Patrick Maloney and Greg Landsman for supporting dangerous bail elimination laws that have driven up crime. In NV-03, the ad exposes Susie Lee for profiting off the pandemic while Nevadans paid. And in CA-22, IA-02 and OR-04, the ads hammer Democrat candidates for opposing tax cuts but hiking taxes on working Americans.
“Democrats have little to show for their time in power aside from a tanking economy and soaring crime,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “On every major issue, Democrats are out of touch with the American people and voters will reject them for it in November.”
NY-17: “Street”
OH-01: “End Cash Bail”
NV-03: “Money Never Sleeps”
CA-22: “Charmed Life”
IA-02: “Record”
OR-04: “Devastating”