CLF Launches New Ads in 21 Congressional Districts

Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new television ads in 21 House races today. The new ads spotlight Democratic congressional candidates’ alarming records on a number of problems from defunding the police and hiking taxes, to shady business deals and efforts to eliminate job-creating industries back home.

CLF’s new ads can be viewed below and will run on a mix of broadcast and cable television, radio as well as digital platforms. 

“Say goodbye to your paycheck, middle class jobs and the local police being ready to help at a moment’s notice if Democrats remain in control of Congress,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Americans just can’t risk Democrats’ dangerous agenda that will not only upend the American way of life, but put our jobs, financial well-being and personal safety at risk.”

MN-07 – Changes a Man

UT-04 – Wrong

NY-11 – “Hoodwinked

OK-05 – Whole Life

TX-07 – Fracking Crazy

FL-26 – Familiar

SC-01 – Getting Worse

NM-02 – Easy

GA-07 – “Crisis

CA-25 – “Hurts

CA-21 – Profits

NE-02 – Steak

NY-22 – Not Going

NY-24 – Award

IL-13 – Walls

AK-AL – “Liberal

NC-08 – Deserve

NC-11 – Unhinged

NY-02 – Unaffordable” 

AR-02 – “Side

PA-10 – Education