CLF Launches New Ads in 15 Congressional Districts

WASHINGTON — Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched new television ads in 15 House races today. The new ads spotlight Democrats disastrous records on middle-class tax hikes, wasteful spending, and public safety. The new ad flight includes both English and Spanish language advertising, with a new Spanish-language spot in TX-34 showcasing the damage Vicente Gonzalez has done to the Rio Grande Valley.
“Democrats’ failed policies are making life less affordable for working families and putting public safety in our communities at risk,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “While families are struggling, Democrats are taking care of their wealthy friends and giving a free pass to violent criminals. Democrats are out of touch and don’t belong in Congress.”
NV-03: “All In”
VA-02: “Out of Touch”
OH-01: “Definition of Defund”
CO-08: “Radical Politician”
KS-03: “Twenty”
PA-17: “My Cues”
AZ-06: “Ridiculously”
CA-49: “Relax”
IA-02: “Sometimes”
IL-17: “The Club”
NE-02: “Favorite”
NY-22: “Awesome”
OH-13: “Mothers and Daughters”
NY-17: “Lies:
TX-34: “Chef Spanish”