CLF Launches New Ads in 11 Congressional Districts

Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched its first round of general election ads in eleven battleground congressional districts. The ads spotlight Democrats’ disastrous records on key issues top of mind with voters, such as illegal immigration, middle-class tax hikes, economic decline, and public safety.  

“Democrats’ far-left agenda has triggered an illegal immigration crisis, let crime run wild, and made everyday life unaffordable. And not only will Democrats not accept responsibility, they want even more power,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella. “This November, voters face a clear choice: restore sanity and economic strength or double down on Washington Democrats and their out-of-touch priorities.”  

AK-AL: “Pulling”

AZ-06: “Overwhelmed”

CA-22: “Outrun”

CA-41: “Unsafe”

CO-08: “Border”

NY-17: “Pride”

NY-18: “Help”

NY-19: “Attacking”

OH-09: “Doesn’t Work”

OR-05: “Decriminalize”

PA-08: “Scraps”