CLF Launches New Ad Campaign Targeting Rep. Matt Cartwright On Impeachment

Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership, launched a new digital ad campaign targeting Congressman Matt Cartwright (PA-08) for recklessly backing the impeachment of President Trump, despite representing a district President Trump won by 10 points.
“Matt Cartwright couldn’t care less that his constituents voted for Donald Trump by 10 points because his loyalty to the far-left and their crazed calls to impeach this president are his top priority,” said CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore. “Matt Cartwright snubbed his constituents just to have one more shot at overturning the 2016 election, and that’s not something voters will forget anytime soon.”
VO: Washington Democrats are marching toward impeachment.
Ocasio-Cortez: I support impeaching this President.
Sanders: The impeachment inquiry has got to move as quickly as possible
Tlaib: We’re going to go in there and we’re going to impeach the motherf**ker.
VO: And Matt Cartwright is right there with them.
Instead of working across the aisle to fix Washington, Cartwright is now pushing a radical scheme to impeach President Trump.
Dividing the country. Tearing us apart. Because he doesn’t like the President.
Matt Cartwright. Wrong on impeachment. Wrong for us.