CLF Launches “Your Money” Ad Against Brad Ashford

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released its second ad, “Your Money,” against career politician Brad Ashford in Nebraska’s 2nd congressional district race. The ad intensifies CLF’s first ad showcasing Brad Ashford’s reckless spending record, wasting tax dollars and attempting to pad his own pocketbook by pushing to nearly double his own salary.
“Brad Ashford is another two-faced politician claiming fiscal restraint on one hand, while trying to nearly double his taxpayer-funded salary on the other,” said Ruth Guerra, CLF spokeswoman. “If we know one thing about Brad Ashford, it’s his love for spending money and leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. Brad Ashford has taken care of himself long enough. Nebraskans deserve a real leader like Don Bacon who will fight for fiscal responsibility.”
The ad will air on Omaha broadcast and cable beginning Tuesday, October 25, as part of CLF’s $950,000 independent expenditure campaign in NE-02. In addition to the TV ad, a 15-second version will run on digital platforms. CLF and its sister organization American Action Network’s total announced general election spending to date is over $40 million in 32 districts nationwide.
ANNCR: Like all typical politicians, Brad Ashford loves spending your money.
Ashford supported almost doubling his own pay, and sticking you with the bill.
Must be nice.
Ashford even tried to spend hundreds of thousands of your money on a golf tournament.
No surprise an official audit found Ashford wasted nearly a million dollars at the Omaha Housing Authority.
Brad Ashford. He takes care of himself, with your money.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.