CLF Launches Ads Hammering Democrats on Crime in NY-17, OH-13, and IA-01

WASHINGTON — Congressional Leadership Fund, the Super PAC aligned with Leader Kevin McCarthy and all of House Republican Leadership, launched new ads in three Congressional Districts today. The spots, airing in DCCC Chairman Sean Patrick Maloney’s NY-17 district, OH-13 and IA-01, showcase Democrats concerning records of pushing an anti-law enforcement agenda and putting public safety at risk.
“Crime is skyrocketing across the country because Democrats pushed dangerous policies that prioritized criminals over the safety of our communities,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Making neighborhoods safe again starts with firing soft-on-crime Democrats that have enabled this crime wave at every turn.”
NY-17: “Top Priority”
OH-13: “Which Side?”
IA-01: “Can’t Believe Her”