CLF Launches Ad “Winter is Coming” Against Emily Cain

WASHINGTON – Today, the Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, released its second and final ad “Winter is Coming” against Democrat Emily Cain in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District race. The ad underscores how Emily Cain’s support for tax hikes would make families pay more for basic needs and services.
“At a time when too many families are having to stretch their paychecks just enough to cover bills, Emily Cain wants to drive up costs at the pump, for electric bills, and on home heating,” said Ruth Guerra, spokeswoman for CLF. “The last thing Washington needs is another tax-loving politician like Emily Cain calling on taxpayers to fork over more of their hard-earned money.”
The ad will air on cable, broadcast and digital in the Portland, Bangor and Presque Island media markets beginning Tuesday, November 1, through Election Day, as part of CLF’s $1.1 million independent expenditure campaign in ME-02. CLF and its sister organization, American Action Network (501c4), have announced total general election spending to date of over $45 million in 32 districts nationwide.
ANNCR: Winter is coming, and under Emily Cain, we’d all be paying more to stay warm.
EMILY CAIN: I would definitely support a carbon tax.
ANNCR: What’s Emily Cain thinking? A carbon tax would mean higher costs at the pump,
For electric bills,
Even home heating oil.
Seventeen-hundred dollars more for families,
EMILY CAIN: Definitely support a carbon tax.
ANNCR: Emily Cain. A costly agenda we definitely can’t afford in Congress.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.