CLF Kicks Off VA-10 Campaign with “Higher Taxes” Ad Against LuAnn Bennett

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released the ad “Higher Taxes” against tax-and-spend Democrat LuAnn Bennett in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District race. The ad exposes LuAnn Bennett’s penchant for tax hikes on hard-working families.
“Northern Virginia families should hold on to their wallets, because LuAnn Bennett is ready to take your money,” said Ruth Guerra, spokeswoman for CLF. “LuAnn Bennett won’t say no to higher taxes that pick the pockets of families and businesses. Northern Virginia voters beware of tax-and-spend LuAnn Bennett.”
The TV ad will air on Washington DC broadcast and cable beginning Tuesday, October 11, as part of CLF’s $1.5 million independent expenditure campaign in VA-10. CLF is also running digital advertising in the race. In 2014, CLF spent over $1 million in the VA-10 congressional race, supporting Barbara Comstock’s victory over John Foust.
ANNCR: Hey Northern Virginia! Want higher taxes!?
Meet LuAnn Bennett.
Bennett won’t rule out raising your taxes,
But criticized her opponent for fighting the largest tax increase in Virginia history!
Higher taxes on families?! Higher taxes on businesses!?
LuAnn Bennett won’t say no to any of them.
So, want less money in your pocket? C’mon down and meet LuAnn Bennett!
She’ll be happy to take your money.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.