CLF Drops New TV Ads in Five House Races

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund launched eight new television ads today in five battleground congressional districts: AK-AL, CA-45, OH-09, NC-01, and NY-17. The ads highlight Democrats’ support of dangerous polices, including defunding the police, ending mass incarceration, opening our borders, hiking taxes and inflationary government spending.

“Democrats have violated voters’ trust, and when it’s time to vote, they’ll choose stability and common sense over chaos,” said CLF spokeswoman Courtney Parella.

OH-09: “One Promise Kept”

NY-17: “Anything” (30 Seconds)

NY-17: “Anything” (15 Seconds)

CA-45: “A Buck” (15 Seconds)

NC-01: “Less Safe” (15 Seconds)

NC-01: “Less Safe” v. 2 (15 Seconds)

AK-AL: “The Hard Way”

AK-AL: “First” (15 Seconds)

This spending comes as part of CLF’s previously announced reservations hereherehere & here.