CLF Drops Final Mail Campaign, Features Hollywood Liberals
Targeting 100,000 Households Ahead of Runoff in GA-06
WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today announced its final mail campaign in Georgia’s sixth district special election race. The mail piece highlights Jon Ossoff’s out-of-state support from Nancy Pelosi and Hollywood liberals including Rosie O’Donnell, Jane Fonda and Kathy Griffin.
“Over 95% of Jon Ossoff’s campaign donations are from out-of-state liberals,” said Corry Bliss, CLF Executive Director. “With Hollywood elites and Nancy Pelosi bankrolling his campaign, it’s no secret that Ossoff would rubber stamp Pelosi’s failed agenda of bigger government and more spending. Their radical views have no place in Georgia’s sixth district.”
View an example here.

The mail campaign targets 100,000 households in Georgia’s sixth congressional district. CLF’s robust, multi-pronged $7 million independent expenditure campaign includes TV, digital, and radio advertising, as well as a GOTV operation targeting 300,000 doors by June 20.