CLF Congratulates First Wave of Victorious Center-Right Candidates

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) Chairman and former Senator Norm Coleman issued the following statement following tonight’s election results. The Congressional Leadership Fund’s advertising included support for: Tom Latham (IA-03); Sean Duffy (WI-07), Jon Runyan (NJ-03).
”This is a victory for the American people, for commonsense conservative economic policies, and for a House Republican Majority under Speaker Boehner’s leadership. Tonight, voters spoke loud and clear – they have had enough of Washington’s senseless tax-and-spend agenda. They’re rightly electing House Republicans that have the solutions to grow this economy and help families and small businesses. The Congressional Leadership Fund is honored to have played a part in these campaigns and
I’m confident this Republican Majority will fight for the strong pro-growth agenda needed to refuel the economy and reverse the runaway spending spree.”