CLF Congratulates Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania’s 8th District Election

WASHINGTON – Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC) President Mike Shields issued the following statement in response to the election results in Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District. CLF spent nearly $2,700,000 in independent expenditures in the PA-08 race on TV advertising, online advertising and GOTV efforts.

“Congratulations to Brian Fitzpatrick on his well-deserved victory. Brian is just the kind of independent and experienced leader Pennsylvanians need in Congress. Congressional Leadership Fund is proud to have supported Brian Fitzpatrick and played a role in highlighting the clear contrasts between candidates in this race. Pennsylvanians can look forward to Brian’s pragmatic, results-oriented leadership in Congress to keep Washington in check and stand for solutions to our nation’s security and economic challenges.”

In 2016, Congressional Leadership Fund and its sister-organization American Action Network spent a combined nearly $48 Million on independent expenditures in U.S. House races.

Founded in 2011, Congressional Leadership Fund is the super PAC endorsed by House Republican Leadership and dedicated exclusively to preserving and expanding the Republican Majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. CLF is an independent-expenditure super PAC that operates independently of any federal candidate or officeholder.