CLF Announces Ad “Shameful” Against Jay Sidie

WASHINGTON – Today, the Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, released an ad against extreme liberal and Obamacare supporter Jay Sidie in Kansas’ 3rd Congressional District race. The ad, “Shameful,” slams Sidie’s continued support of Obamacare in the midst of skyrocketing premiums and fewer health care choices for Kansans.
“Obamacare sent premiums skyrocketing, slashed Medicare, and lessened health care choices, yet Nancy Pelosi’s candidate Jay Sidie still supports the failing law. Sidie’s blind support of a law that has left middle-class families footing the bill is exactly what voters are sick of,” said CLF spokeswoman Ruth Guerra. “Kansans need a conservative leader like Kevin Yoder to keep Washington in check, not an out-of-touch liberal like Jay Sidie to rubberstamp Washington’s bad ideas.”
The ad will air on cable, broadcast and online in the Kansas City media market beginning Friday, October 28, as part of CLF’s $800,000 independent expenditure campaign in KS-03. CLF and its sister organization, American Action Network (501c4), have announced total general election spending to date of over $40 million in 32 districts nationwide.
NANCY PELOSI: What we are talking about is affordable, quality, accessible healthcare…
ANNCR: Premiums skyrocketing. Choices dwindling.
But, Nancy Pelosi’s candidate of choice, Jay Sidie, still supports Obamacare.
Sidie called efforts to repeal it “shameful.”
Medicare slashed on Kansas seniors, middle-class families left with the bill.
NANCY PELOSI: Affordable! Affordable! Affordable!
ANNCR: No, Mr. Sidie, it’s not.
Kansas can’t afford Sidie-Pelosi-Obamacare.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.