CLF Ad Calls Out Zephyr Teachout’s Hypocrisy on Taxes

WASHINGTON – The Congressional Leadership Fund (@CLFSuperPAC), the super PAC endorsed by House Republican leadership, today released its third ad in New York’s 19th Congressional District race: “What A Hypocrite.” This latest ad highlights Zephyr Teachout’s blatant hypocrisy as she pushed to raise taxes on New Yorkers while underpaying her own taxes by thousands of dollars.
In a desperate attempt to whitewash her record of supporting higher property taxes, Teachout has produced two separate videos lying to voters, claiming: “That’s crazy, no one wants that,” and “property taxes are out of control and we need to lower them.”
“If Zephyr Teachout didn’t want to be called out for her ‘crazy’ support of higher property taxes, then she shouldn’t have opposed the property tax cap. What’s worse, while Teachout wanted others to pay more, she was caught red-handed underpaying her own taxes,” said Ruth Guerra, spokeswoman for CLF. “Zephyr Teachout’s crazy hypocrisy knows no bounds.”
The ad will go into rotation in CLF’s existing New York City cable as part of CLF’s $2.7 million independent expenditure campaign in NY-19. In addition to cable TV advertising, CLF is spending on Albany broadcast TV advertising, digital advertising, mail, and door-to-door grassroots efforts.
ANNCR: We know Zephyr Teachout is a typical politician who pushed to raise our property taxes. But it’s worse.
Back home in New York City, Teachout was caught underpaying her own taxes by thousands.
That’s right. Teachout underpaid her own taxes, but pushed for us to pay more.
What a hypocrite.
Zephyr Teachout. Underpaying her own taxes while pushing to raise ours.
Congressional Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.