when you lose Crooked Cartwright…

When Nancy Pelosi’s scheme to steal IA-02 is so wrong, even Crooked Matt Cartwright can’t stomach it, you know you have a problem.
Last night, Cartwright told CNN he has serious reservations and that “election decisions made at the state and local level should be respected.”
Cartwright used his office to enrich his family law firm, tried to hide his private plane from financial disclosures and is an all-around crook, so if even he’s saying this is a bridge too far, Pelosi ought to pay attention.
“Pelosi’s plan to steal an election from Iowa voters is losing support by the day as even crooks like Matt Cartwright realize this has gone too far,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “If Pelosi truly cares about preserving the integrity of our democracy, then she needs to reject Hart’s challenge now.”