what’s right for her district?

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are just “doing what is right for their district” when they repeatedly lob hateful, anti-Semitic slurs. At least that’s what Congresswoman Underwood’s friend Elissa Slotkin had to say in defense of their bigoted pals this weekend.

The latest slur? Congresswoman Tlaib said that thinking about the Holocaust – where Nazis murdered 6 million Jews – gives her a “calming feeling,” and blatantly tried to rewrite the history of WWII.

But Congresswoman Underwood refuses to take a stand against this hatred.

Last week, Underwood jumped to the defense of Omar’s anti-Semitic remarks and said she’ll “take her at her word.” Underwood is also refusing to return Omar’s donations to her campaign, and still won’t call for her removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Does Underwood agree with Slotkin that Omar and Tlaib are “just doing what’s right for their districts” when they hurl hateful comments? Or will she finally find the backbone to condemn this behavior outright and return the $2,000 she took from Omar to fund her campaign?

We’re still waiting.

CLF Comment: “If Congresswoman Underwood won’t condemn outright bigotry, how can voters trust her to stand up for anything at all?” – CLF Spokesman Calvin Moore.