VIDEO: TJ endorses AOC’s “free college” plan

Congressman TJ Cox is all-aboard the Democrats’ socialist bandwagon, and endorsing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “free” college plan is his latest move.

At the Bakersfield College “Legislative Affairs Power Lunch” this weekend, TJ Cox told constituents that he’s “very supportive” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s plan to make all college “free.”

This, after TJ Cox called AOC’s socialist $93 trillion Green New Deal a “win, win, win” last month.

Of course, “free” college isn’t actually free; its price tag costs over $2 trillion.

But TJ might not fully understand that to get things, you actually have to pay for them. (Just ask the landlords that had to evict his shady businesses or all the employees he’s stiffed over the years 😉)

Watch TJ hop on board with the House socialists yet again here.