Underwood’s “cautious” approach (lol)

Today’s Chicago Sun-Times paints an unrealistically rosy picture of Congresswoman Lauren Underwood and her first six months in Washington, saying she’s “charted a cautious course,” apparently overlooking the numerous times Underwood has completely lost her marbles with the unhinged left.
The truth is: Unhinged Underwood’s record stands out not for how “cautious” she’s been, but for just how radical she has become.
Let’s us count the ways…
- Endorsed by a radical left-wing group that wants to impeach Trump, abolish all Illinoisans’ private health insurance, and guarantee money for everyone unwilling to work.
- Compiled the most liberal voting record in the entire House, voting to the left of even self-described socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
- Had a total melt down and accused border patrol of murdering children, which was swiftly condemned on a bipartisan basis.
- Defended radical leftist Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her repeated anti-Semitic comments.
- Accepted thousands in campaign cash from Omar, too, and welcomed the radical’s support for her campaign.
- Proposed a massive tax cut for her wealthy donors that leaves the middle class with nothing.
- Endorsed by her fellow socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Need I go on?
Lauren Underwood may want to make-believe she’s a moderate (or a nurse for that matter), but Illinoisans are on to her game.