This is why Sanders will cost Dems the majority
No wonder House Democrats are *freaking out* that Bernie’s impending nomination will cost them their majority.
Last night on 60 Minutes, Bernie Sanders went out of his way to praise the reign of murderous tyrant Fidel Castro in Cuba. The comments put vulnerable House Democrats like Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (FL-26) and Donna Shalala (FL-27) in an extremely uncomfortable place while making a perfect example of just how hard it will be for Democrats to separate themselves from Sanders’ downright reckless views now that he’s taking the mantle as leader of their party.
As one House Democrat put it bluntly this weekend: “If Sanders is the nominee, I will lose. I think a bunch would lose. Bernie would drag us right down.”
You don’t say…
“House Democrats are having one heck of a wake-up call realizing that their party’s embrace of socialism will cost them their seats,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “The problem for House Democrats is that Bernie’s praise for communism isn’t an extremist outburst – it’s just where today’s Democratic Party is on socialism now. It’s reckless, out-of-touch and exactly the type of crazy views that will cost Democrats dearly this November.”