Taxpayers Foot Bill For Crooked Cartwright’s Private Plane

Millionaire Matt Cartwright is using taxpayer dollars to park his private plane right outside of Washington.
According to a new report, Cartwright “is sending $425 a month to the Delaware River and Bay Authority, which operates the New Castle airport, according to his official office’s spending disclosures. That’s the local airport—just a 90-minute train ride from Washington, D.C.—where Cartwright lands his four-seater after jetting in from Scranton, flight logs show.”
“The only thing worse than Crooked Cartwright hiding his private plane from voters is forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for it as he jet sets to DC,” said CLF Press Secretary Cally Perkins. “Cartwright clearly couldn’t be more out of touch with working Pennsylvanians who are still struggling to get by.”