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California Democrats are pushing a wild plan to double your taxes and force families to pay $12,000 more, all to give free health care to noncitizens, but no California House Democrats dare speak up to condemn it.
After CLF called out Katie Porter and Mike Levin for their silence, Fox News reached out to every office asking for their thoughts on the plan, but not one of them could be bothered to comment.
If California Democrats can’t speak out to condemn the disastrous plan, then they’ll own every part of it.
“Katie Porter and Mike Levin won’t condemn California’s push to double taxes because they already voted to send them through the roof in Washington, D.C.” said CLF Press Secertary Cally Perkins. “If there’s one thing voters can count on, it’s that Porter and Levin will continue voting to make life even more expensive for Californians.”