Sticker shock in NE
As Bernie Sanders unveils his latest, unrealistic health care, Brad Ashford owes Nebraskans a clear answer on where he stands on single-payer health care. Ashford has previously said single-payer wasn’t “politically possible,” but with Sanders’ plan now in the mix, where does Brad Ashford stand?
With Democrat House Leader Nancy Pelosi refusing to endorse Sanders’ plan, Democrats like Ashford are left with two (dismal) choices: either defend the failing status quo that is Obamacare or support potentially trillions in new spending with no credible plan to pay for it.
Remember, the last time Bernie introduced “Medicare for All” it came with a hefty price tag of $32 trillion in new government spending over ten years, or nearly $1.4 trillion a year. And that time, he didn’t have a realistic plan to pay for it either.
“Brad Ashford’s waffling on an issue that impacts every Nebraskan speaks volumes. The truth is the Democrat Party is giving him two options, support the failing status quo that is Obamacare, or support government-run health care that will result in higher taxes on middle-class families. Hard-working families in Nebraska deserve to know where Brad Ashford stands on their health care.” – Courtney Alexander, CLF spokeswoman
AUDIO: When Asked If Medicare For All Is A Possibility, Ashford Says “I Don’t Think It’s Politically” Before Being Interrupted. NEWS TALK 1290’s MATT THOMPKINS: “Is Medicare for all, is that something that is a possibility? [Crosstalk] Something simple?” BRAD ASHFORD: “I don’t think it’s politically. [Crosstalk] It’s simple. I think the better, my view, my plan, or the way I would handle it is I would take the Medicaid portion first and decide what your going to do with Medicaid. And you can’t cut off these millions of people or reduce their services.” THOMPKINS: “It’s a safety net.” ASHFORD: “Especially people you know, children and adults with children and people in nursing homes. You’ve got to address that. And then on the insurance side, no I think there’s a way to do this.” (Matt Tompkins Show, News Talk 1290, 7/13/17) Minute 20:20-21:02
The Urban Institute’s Health Policy Center Estimated Sanders’ Medicare For All, Single-Payer Plan Would Cost $32 Trillion Over Ten Years. “In total, federal spending would increase by about $2.5 trillion (257.6 percent) in 2017. Federal expenditures would increase by about $32.0 trillion (232.7 percent) between 2017 and 2026..[.]” (John Holahan, et al., “The Sanders Single-Payer HealthCare Plan,” The Urban Institute , 5/16)