Stevens & Slotkin bow to Pelosi on liberal grab bag

The unemployment rate is skyrocketing to 15% and families are forced to make tough decisions about what bills to pay, and Haley Stevens and Elissa Slotkin just pulled a 180 to vote for Nancy Pelosi’s 1,800 page, $3 trillion dollar liberal “wish list.” According to CNN, Stevens’ and Slotkin’s changes of heart came after being “lobbied all day” to pass liberal absurdities like…

…instead of doing anything serious to address this crisis.

So much for “country over party,” I guess.

“In the worst crisis to face America, Haley Stevens and Elissa Slotkin both caved to ensure Nancy Pelosi gets her $3 trillion grab bag for liberal priorities like ‘environmental justice’ and illegal immigrants,” said CLF Communications Director Calvin Moore. “Congresswomen Stevens and Slotkin are exploiting this crisis in a desperate hope to cement their liberal party agenda into law and they ought to be ashamed.”