Socialist Mondaire Jones has entered the chat…

Despite a recent Dem poll showing him losing to Rep. Mike Lawler, left-wing extremist Mondaire Jones has entered the NY-17 race.
It’s already shaping up to be one of the ugliest primaries of the cycle, as Jones and radical Liz Whitmer Gereghty will spend the year seeing who can “out left” the other.
Not only does socialist Mondaire Jones support Medicare-for-all and the Green New Deal, but he has also backed calls to partially defund police departments, along with the abolition of cash bail.
Jones previously wrote, “Congress must cease all funding that militarizes police forces, repeal the 1994 Crime Bill that accelerated mass incarceration, and abolish cash bail…” He also said that dismantling White supremacy involves “moving funding away from police departments…”
If that weren’t enough, he also tweeted his support of packing the Supreme Court and cosponsored court packing legislation.
“Republicans dominated in New York last cycle because voters are fed up with liberal extremists whose socialist agenda has caused skyrocketing prices and a crime wave, and this race will be no different,” said CLF Communications Director Courtney Parella. “If socialist Mondaire Jones is even able to make it through what’s shaping up to be an ugly primary, voters will reject him and his extreme agenda in the general election.”